Sunday, November 18, 2007

My post on 's Blog Us.: Regarding Electricity rebate

Hello, Everyone.

Recently while taking the MRT to Dhoby Ghaut , i noticed that the advertisement placed by NEA (National Environmental Agency) telling us singaporeans to switch off electrical appliances instead of leaving it on Stand-by mode.

I thought why not the government provide electricity usage rebate based on a particular benchmarked usage level.

The rebate could be in the form NTUC vouchers , or for other utilities discounts and maybe some form of lucky draw coupon which electricity payer could participate and maybe win some interesting cash , vouncher or prizes.

The benchmarked usage level could probably be derived from some statistics on the lowest amount of possible electricity usage per household depending on size of flat or house. But regardless of number of people living in the house.

With this idea, maybe we can gradually encourage our fellow singaporean to reduce usage of electricity.

Just one of my tiny idea.

Have a nice day.

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