Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Jogging to Punggol End

Had a great morning jog today(25/12/2007)

View Larger Map

Lots of straight road, not much traffic lights.Total distance about 7Km
Good for training for marathon.

Tracked using Garmin Vista HCx GPS

Have a nice day.

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Narrows Tacoma Bridge Disaster of 1940

Bridge Disaster , caused by wind blowing onto the bridge and due to
natural resonance frequency of the bridge , it swayed until it breaks and collapse.
An engineering problem , which i believe still very relevant today.

and a inventor , from that engineering problem. came up with a smart idea.
The windbelt, which is a wind base power generator. with almost no mechanical parts.

Will give it a try soon.

Have a nice day.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Confucius 's Lun Yu

Here is a link to confucius Lun Yu. There was a TV show on Channel U last night, by china's Yu Dan . I think she is a scholar or something like that. And she was presenting lun yu.


Have a nice day.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Computer History on youtube

Youtube video links on computer history


Have a nice day.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Using SSH and X11 XDMCP with Xming

Hello ,
Recently i wanted to connect securely from windows to a fedora 7 linux box, and tried using Cgywin , but could not connect successfully.

Found a X-Windows server client for MS windows , it is Xming , runs great on windows and best of all , it is free.

Well here are some steps to get it working quick.

1. Install the Xming program
2. Start the XLaunch program of Xming
3. Select 'Full-Screen Mode' , click next
4. Select 'Start a program' , click next
5. program to start is xterm , which is the default . Followed by clicking 'Using PuTTY(plink.exe)'
6. Key in the IP address of the computer to connect and also the 'login as user' , click next
7. Click next
8. Click Finish
9. PuTTY will prompt you for password. Key in password
10 . In the Xterm , enter 'gnome-session &' , if your linuxbox is using gnome , else kde-session or others to start session.
11. Do not close the current Xterm , else the Xming will appear to hang. So minimize this window
12. To logoff just close the Xming. (it seems that the xterm and gnome-session doesn't close cleanly , don't know why?)

BTW: here is a link about OpenSSH ,
It is a form of secure connectivity method for data transaction.

Thats it
Have a nice day.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Checks for health

Finished my year health screening at SATA - Singapore Anti-tuberculosis Association , Chai chee clinic. Nice nurses and doctors there.

When to collect report, and might as well ask the doctor on what checks need to be done before running marathon.

The doctor recommends:
Treadmill test
Spirometry test

Have a nice day.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Creative and multi disciplinary

Interesting course offered by overseas university.


Very practical and interesting.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Wanton Noodle at Hougang

The noodles.
The Stall
Located at: Blk 309 , Near Hougang Ave 5 and 7
Nice tasty noodles. But stall closing soon , since owner of coffee shop is changing.

Have a nice day.