Friday, December 14, 2007

Using SSH and X11 XDMCP with Xming

Hello ,
Recently i wanted to connect securely from windows to a fedora 7 linux box, and tried using Cgywin , but could not connect successfully.

Found a X-Windows server client for MS windows , it is Xming , runs great on windows and best of all , it is free.

Well here are some steps to get it working quick.

1. Install the Xming program
2. Start the XLaunch program of Xming
3. Select 'Full-Screen Mode' , click next
4. Select 'Start a program' , click next
5. program to start is xterm , which is the default . Followed by clicking 'Using PuTTY(plink.exe)'
6. Key in the IP address of the computer to connect and also the 'login as user' , click next
7. Click next
8. Click Finish
9. PuTTY will prompt you for password. Key in password
10 . In the Xterm , enter 'gnome-session &' , if your linuxbox is using gnome , else kde-session or others to start session.
11. Do not close the current Xterm , else the Xming will appear to hang. So minimize this window
12. To logoff just close the Xming. (it seems that the xterm and gnome-session doesn't close cleanly , don't know why?)

BTW: here is a link about OpenSSH ,
It is a form of secure connectivity method for data transaction.

Thats it
Have a nice day.

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