Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Jogging to Punggol End

Had a great morning jog today(25/12/2007)

View Larger Map

Lots of straight road, not much traffic lights.Total distance about 7Km
Good for training for marathon.

Tracked using Garmin Vista HCx GPS

Have a nice day.

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Narrows Tacoma Bridge Disaster of 1940

Bridge Disaster , caused by wind blowing onto the bridge and due to
natural resonance frequency of the bridge , it swayed until it breaks and collapse.
An engineering problem , which i believe still very relevant today.

and a inventor , from that engineering problem. came up with a smart idea.
The windbelt, which is a wind base power generator. with almost no mechanical parts.

Will give it a try soon.

Have a nice day.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Confucius 's Lun Yu

Here is a link to confucius Lun Yu. There was a TV show on Channel U last night, by china's Yu Dan . I think she is a scholar or something like that. And she was presenting lun yu.


Have a nice day.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Computer History on youtube

Youtube video links on computer history


Have a nice day.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Using SSH and X11 XDMCP with Xming

Hello ,
Recently i wanted to connect securely from windows to a fedora 7 linux box, and tried using Cgywin , but could not connect successfully.

Found a X-Windows server client for MS windows , it is Xming , runs great on windows and best of all , it is free.

Well here are some steps to get it working quick.

1. Install the Xming program
2. Start the XLaunch program of Xming
3. Select 'Full-Screen Mode' , click next
4. Select 'Start a program' , click next
5. program to start is xterm , which is the default . Followed by clicking 'Using PuTTY(plink.exe)'
6. Key in the IP address of the computer to connect and also the 'login as user' , click next
7. Click next
8. Click Finish
9. PuTTY will prompt you for password. Key in password
10 . In the Xterm , enter 'gnome-session &' , if your linuxbox is using gnome , else kde-session or others to start session.
11. Do not close the current Xterm , else the Xming will appear to hang. So minimize this window
12. To logoff just close the Xming. (it seems that the xterm and gnome-session doesn't close cleanly , don't know why?)

BTW: here is a link about OpenSSH ,
It is a form of secure connectivity method for data transaction.

Thats it
Have a nice day.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Checks for health

Finished my year health screening at SATA - Singapore Anti-tuberculosis Association , Chai chee clinic. Nice nurses and doctors there.

When to collect report, and might as well ask the doctor on what checks need to be done before running marathon.

The doctor recommends:
Treadmill test
Spirometry test

Have a nice day.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Creative and multi disciplinary

Interesting course offered by overseas university.


Very practical and interesting.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Wanton Noodle at Hougang

The noodles.
The Stall
Located at: Blk 309 , Near Hougang Ave 5 and 7
Nice tasty noodles. But stall closing soon , since owner of coffee shop is changing.

Have a nice day.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Benjamin Franklin the inventor

Benjamin Franklin



According to wikipedia, he invented the following:
Franklin stove, catheter, swimfins, glass harmonica, and bifocals.

Have a nice day.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Taking Science on Faith

What is your faith??, what do you believe?


Well. ... The world is a very strange place. And there are lots of undiscovered things.

BTW: Alien Engineering is a good documentary done by History Channel , telling about how much be can learn from Alien, if they exist.
To watch, a search on youtube.com would yield something.

Have a nice day

Open Source Way for Asus EEEpc

Open Source Way for Asus EEEpc.



BTW: Sitex is selling it as SGD598 for 4GB version.

Have a nice day.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

VMware MTV

Have a nice day

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Jogging path 2

View Larger Map
Have a nice day.

Map generated using Garmin Vista HCX data

View Larger Map

On Google Map

Have a nice day

Sunday, November 18, 2007

My post on Reach.gov.sg 's Blog Us.: Regarding Electricity rebate

Hello, Everyone.

Recently while taking the MRT to Dhoby Ghaut , i noticed that the advertisement placed by NEA (National Environmental Agency) telling us singaporeans to switch off electrical appliances instead of leaving it on Stand-by mode.

I thought why not the government provide electricity usage rebate based on a particular benchmarked usage level.

The rebate could be in the form NTUC vouchers , or for other utilities discounts and maybe some form of lucky draw coupon which electricity payer could participate and maybe win some interesting cash , vouncher or prizes.

The benchmarked usage level could probably be derived from some statistics on the lowest amount of possible electricity usage per household depending on size of flat or house. But regardless of number of people living in the house.

With this idea, maybe we can gradually encourage our fellow singaporean to reduce usage of electricity.

Just one of my tiny idea.

Have a nice day.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Melody Road, play it like a record.

Simply Amazing.

Have a nice day.

Call of Duty 4 Game video.

Nice graphics
Have a nice day.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Book recommendation : Economic-Naturalist-Explanations-Everyday-Enigmas

By: Robert H. Frank

Saw the recommendation from Straits times newspaper.


Seems like a interesting book to read.

Have a nice day.

Saturday, November 10, 2007



Each and every living thing and object on earth has it's purpose.

Anyway. We live to do our best.

Have a nice day.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Silly British laws ,ha ha


Have a nice day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

RC Cars Expert from JAPAN

Simply amazing.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Thats it. Magnetic reversal.

Picture from the url below.

Seems that we might be overdue for a magnetic reversal, according to the article.

Well my guess is that if that were to really occurs. The earth living environment may change.

Good luck fellow human organisms and other living creatures.
Have a nice day.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Realistic Flight Simulation and fun !!

Wow !!!

Apache Simulation

BTW: the software is microsoft flight simulator X
Trial version

Have a nice day.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Relax , have a game . LF2

Here is little fighter 2.


Of course as usual , power up your virus scanner to check first before installing.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Taiko no Tatsujin DS one of the better games

Woo hoo.

No brainer .... :)

Ha ha

Have a nice day.

Buying HDTV,TV ? Distance to TV ratio

Here is a website from CNET , telling how to choose and buy a TV


Here are summary:

Basically you for 4:3 ratio Standard TV , based living room distance, you choose a TV that is 3 to 6 times divided by the distance, for the diagonal width of TV

and for 16:9 ratio Wide Screen TV , based living room distance, you choose a TV that is 1.5 to 3 times divided by the distance, for the diagonal width of TV

Well , ultimately you choose what you can afford and comfortable with.

BTW: you can bring a measuring tape and using it measure a specific distance and stand at that distance away from you choice TV, and try to feel if it is alright.

Have a nice day.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Streetfighter 2 , Ah doo Gune

Ha ha

Funny .....

The Knack Dilbert.

Ohh.. No. I have the Knack.... and i am going to be an engineer. :(

Ha ha.
Have a nice day.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dead HX4700

My friend's dead HX4700

Bundled up.Hopefully one day, it can be revived or use for other purposes.

Opened up / Disassembled HX4700 . I did not find any burned marks or burned IC. But i found the CPU's markings a little blur, could it be the CPU IC is burned?? Anyway it died of unnatural death.

A moment of silent for your HX4700.

Have a nice day.

Types of Cars

Well here is a list of types of cars to use for your everyday programming use.


It seems Python and JAVA are not bad cars to use according to author's opinions.

For me it would be C/C++ and sometimes BASIC.

Have a nice day.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Nikola Tesla the genius

The man who invented AC (Alternating Current), Remote control circuit (LC tune circuit)


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mynabirds Everyday Tips #1

Well, thought of creating something to remind myself and everyone, "Everyday useful tips" , for use everyday.

here is goes.

Name of Tip: Checking amount of Toilet Paper

Immediately after going into the toilet cubicle, and mounted the toilet seat, pull the toilet paper. If the tension felt from the pulling is tight, that means there are still quite some toilet paper left on the roll. Otherwise the toilet paper is emptying soon, need to try the other cubicles.

Have a nice day.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Article from straits times on SCAMs

Here is a The Straits Times Article from Monday September 3, 2007 , about SCAMS.
Beware and be careful. My guess is these people are a bunch of well organised scammers, working as so called "telemarketers". I think they are still around, and planning other ways to scamplified people.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Updates on the SCAMplified "luck draw prize" phone call.

Received the phone call again from the lady, asking me whether to claim the prize(this is the 4th call from the same lady).

She said i won SGD $200K , wow.... Do you believe it?? (i definitely won't,believe it.)

BTW: the lady said to claim prize , i would need to provide the following information:
Name , NRIC number , Bank Account number <--- This is the key..... , seems like a possible SCAM.

Well , this type of SCAM , is what i call a Human-Greed-In-Action-Scam , in short HGIAS

BTW: Here a are some of the recent telephone phone scams reported in news,
1. "Your Son/Daughter is being Captured" SCAM
2. "Better than abnormal investment" SCAM
3. "Win Lucky draw" SCAM
4. "Money transfer" SCAM

I guess there are many more such SCAMs around.

An i invented a new word, for SCAMs made believed, and that is SCAMplified.

So be careful.

Have a nice day.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Won a lucky draw lately??

Recently i received a phone call(number is not shown on my mobile phone) from a lady asking to conduct a mobile phone survey since it was just a survey, i did the survey and after which the lady says their company is expanding and their company will be organising a event at Malaysia batu paha. And she gave me a lucky draw code and also the address to the event and saying that if i were to be at the event and if my lucky number was drawn she would help me claim the prize.

ok. after which i hung up the phone.

Today the lady called and said that i was not at the event and the organisers has chosen my lucky draw number and no worries , she had reserved the prize for me. And i would need to personally go there to claim the prize.


If you were i , would you listen to the lady and hear her tell you what prize you have won and then consider whether it is real or fake and then if you belive it is true and go claim the prize???


Will you say you are not interested in knowing what prize you won and also not interested in claiming the prize and stop the conversation politely.???

So chose your poison. :)

BTW: some details:
The survey question were:
1) What brand of mobile phone you are using?
2) What brand do you think you like most?
The lady gave her name as Gao Su Juan and company number is 2008xxxxx2822 , company is Hai Wei Ke Ji or .. Hai Tong Ke Ji i can't remember.

Here is a link to something similar : http://www.spug.sg/forums/showthread.php?t=89204&page=3

Have a nice day.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ultimate Keyboard

Picture from http://www.artlebedev.com/everything/optimus/

Every key is customisable. Wow !!

Free Pascal Compiler , maybe useful

Hello ,

Saw a free compiler recommended on the internet. Supports ARM / POWERPC / x86 / Win64 / Win32 / WinCE


Will give it a try to see how useful it is.

Have a nice day.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Lightning sighting

Evening 9/9/2007 around 8pm , a display of lightning from the sky. It lasted quite long , more than 20mins , until i became bored from looking at it.


BTW: Transformer DEMO, unable to test it. missing xinput.dll file.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Transformers the game , DEMO

Will be doing a stress test on my old laptop. :)


provided it runs on my computer :(

Have a nice day.

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Sub-Notebooks

We used to have Libretto sub notebook

Now we have

and also the EEEpc(a cheaper alternative)

The circle is almost complete.
Have a nice day.

Engineering Long Lasting Machines


Recently, i was considering buying one of the latest computer from DELL, the m1330. But while my intention was to buy one of these cool toy, i just couldn't find a good reason to satisfy my "want" for getting one. Because my current computer the DELL Inspiron 8200 is still functioning quite well. Although the battery had failed and i have changed a new battery, upgraded the original harddisk to a larger 80GB harddisk.

Thinking about this............

Today i saw an article telling about the voyager space probe , which is still functioning after 30 years. This reminds us to that machines can be designed to last for a long period of time and perhaps if we use the same machine for a long period of time, we could have reduced the amount of technological waste generated by discarded machines. Eg. spoilt mp3 player,discarded computers,playstations...

So. i think maybe i should continue to use my current Laptop which is 5 years old, and hope that it would still function for 5 more years or more. BTW: it cost me $3500 back in the year 2002.

And also something interesting is that , the voyager space probe uses not battery, but RTG a smaller version of something like a nuclear reactor, which can generated watts of power.

Have a nice day.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Last half-hour price for COMEX 2007


Well went to another computer show for the year again. This time round, it seems that DELL is offering the best deal for performance laptops. The DELL M1330 , with T7300 , extra 9 cell and 3 year warranty is $2629 , which is actually quite a good deal, considering how good the laptop is designed.

The sales lady said if you upgrade from the standard package by about $400 , she is willing to give $150 discount.The $2629 is after discount.

During the last half hour , most of the laptops are give a $100 to $200 discount and also the cameras are also given a approximately $100 discount from brochure price.

For this COMEX 2007(02/9/2007) , i bought a 7 port colourful powered usb hub for $16 and Kingston SD Card for $31.20

Have a nice day.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Being fit, but not extreme fitness

Hello .

Today's straits times 30 Aug 2007 , forum section. There is a article by George Lim Heng Chye, citing his experience of being overly extreme fit and an addict for being super fit and able to do 3 SOC with FBO and also a army officer. He said that one day he experience a painful stabbing pain on his chest and was sent to the hospital, after which an X-ray shows he had a punctured left lung. And the doctor gave him an advice, "Young man,basic fitness is sufficent, avoid such extremes for goodness sake."

This reminds us that there is always a need to have a balance.

Have a nice day.

Sheares Bridge Run , AHM 2007 results out.

Well here are the results of the run.

and for me , i am glad that this year i completed it in 1 hr 58 mins and 54 secs.

Cheers to all who participated in the run.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Some music to groove with...

Would like to also recommend maybe this album also, it seems to contain lots of groovy songs.

Album Picture from: amazon.com

September by the EARTH WIND & FIRE (1978)

ok. enjoy the music video.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Sheares Bridge Run 2007 & AHM 2007

Picture taken during the run.

Wow , finally the run is done.
But sad to hear the news about the captain who died after reaching marina bay.

Worn out a pair of new balance.

Have a nice day.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

In conjunction with 7th month Getai and 881 movie

Enjoy some karaoke's hokkien songs. ha ha ha..........





欢喜就好 - 陳雷

Enough already ???

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

881 Getai at UBI ave 1

Papaya sisters , Durian sisters and Musicians from 881 Movie and Getai at UBI Ave 1. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

GameTap a interesting online game rental and purchasing website

A Interesting Online game rental and purchasing website. Uses emulators to play arcade games, such as neogeo , sega megadrive ,etc...


Article on where IPODs are made


The man in the article Terry Guo. Interesting article.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Tiny Review of : 881 A film by Royston Tan (Techno)

Went to watch 881 movie by royston tan. Not a bad film. Quite touching at quite a few moments, such moments just want to make you almost drip your tears.
I think this movie is a first that is made about Getai in singapore and it also showcases the lifestyle of some unseen portaits of singaporean.

When i look around the theater hall, most of the audiences that went to watch the movie seems to be more than 30 years old although a very small percentage are teenagers.

A large portion of the movie's conversation was spoken in hokkien. Some loony special effects were added to spice up the movie abit.

I guess the most touching moment is when the little papaya is dying and there is a scene where the film shows her losing her hair.

And the best action moment is the durian sisters vs papaya sisters getai song sing fight.

ok. Overall it is not bad. Although some reviewers seems to see abit of Tsai Ming Liang elements in the film.Could be Qi Yi Wu's voiceless acting and also maybe him playing with his pet chicken.

Techno Cat. Techno Chee Ko Pei and also Techno to you.

Monday, August 6, 2007

How to grow Pineapple and Papaya

Links showing how to grow pineapples. BTW:Pineapple are very tasty but abit of siap siap(rough on the tongue).

Links showing how to grow papayas. BTW: papaya are sweet and soft and easy on the mouth although some people has papaya-phobia. And also there is a upcoming film in singapore by royston tan , 881 which has the papaya sisters.



Friday, August 3, 2007

French Roll with Worm

Opps. There is a worm inside my French roll. Saw it this morning (3/8/2007) during my early breakfast around 6.30am. BTW: i have a video of it moving. Maybe i will upload to YouTube.



I guess the worm had breakfast earlier than me. :)

Have a nice day

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Music from percy faith

Nice soothing music, by Percy faith Titled: Theme from A summer Place

Another nice piece from Percy faith Titled: The song from Moulin Rouge

Enjoy & Relax, but don't fall a sleep

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Moissanite aka silicon carbide

I saw a TV show yesterday night, where the hostess is selling about the moissanite diamond ring.


Looks good and nice. For those getting married soon, maybe you can consider this type of diamond. It has a hardness of 9.25Mohs although real diamond has hardness of 10. You only lugi by about 7.5% of hardness , i think should be still hard enough to cut glass or ropes.


Have a nice day.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Soulful and nice music , enjoy.

Sade 's MTV - Your love is king

Sixpence none the richer - Don't dream it's over

Original Don't dream it's over - Crowded house

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Music , Relax..........

The Young Rascals - Groovin

Karaoke version

This is one of the pieces of music the inspires me to like smooth jazz music eg. Acoustic Alchemy


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Cognitive Computing

A video lecture on future of Cognitive Computing.


In future : maybe a cognitive processor ???

Enjoy.. A bit dry thou.,.

Have a nice day.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Possible solution for working quite far away from your house.

Here are some possible solutions:

1. Take public transport (TAXI) Sleep on taxi (for both to and fro) from office.

2. Take public transport (BUS/MRT) Sleep on bus and taxi (but must remember to wake up to transfer to MRT viceversa)

3. Buy a car (Cheap car , weekend car) go work before 7am , leaves office after 7am.

4. Buy normal car (Sleep in the car, later go back to work again)

5. Rent a room near-by. (But i thought rents are going up recently.)

I normally use number 1. Sleep on bus.


Have a nice day.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Update your physics knowledge

:) take a peek

BTW: look at Question #27 , very interesting. :)

Have a nice day.

The earth's resonant frequency is 7.8Hz

The earth's resonant frequency is 7.8Hz

Comparing this to the crystal oscillator found in our Computer eg. say 100Mhz , which is actuated when electricity is apply to it.

Seems like our earth could be just a huge crystal actuated lighting .

Interesting .... :)

Have a nice day.

The Earth's Health (Field reversal and true magnetic north) Where is north??

Check these out. Regarding magnetic north/pole

Earthquake affect magnetics

Movement of the earth's magnetic north

Where is the north pole??

Earth quake effects on earth


I am wondering how much deviation can our compass monitor the true north ??eg. from a start date till a certain date???

How about this http://survive2012.com/ believable ??

Friday, June 22, 2007

Disk Map viewer

Hello , ever wonder why your harddisk fills up so quickly.??

Found a great freeware application : SequoiaView

This software can map out your harddisk pictorially. so that you can identify problem areas.

Have a nice day.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Welcome !!

Hello , Friends and all

Welcome to my blog.

Don't know what to say today.

How about some mynabird food :

Have a nice day.